Have you ever ran powertop? If not, have a look at these links.
When you run powertop as root (eg. sudo powertop), it might recommend something like this:
Enable Device Power Management by pressing the P key
So how do you do this when powertop is not running?
This forum made a suggestion that I have attempted to simplify.
find /sys/devices/pci* -path "*power/control" -exec bash -c "echo auto > '{}'" \;
Or you can use this slightly longer one that echo's values before and after it changes.
find /sys/devices/pci* -path "*power/control" -exec \
bash -c "echo -n '{}' = && cat '{}' && echo auto > '{}' && echo -n '{}' = && cat '{}'" \;
Both have to be run as root or using sudo.
sudo find /sys/devices/pci* -path "*power/control" -exec bash -c "echo auto > '{}'" \;
Here is my bash script that I run with an extra powertop recommendation that may
not be applicable in your case.
find /sys/devices/pci* -path "*power/control" -exec \
bash -c "echo -n '{}' = && cat '{}' && echo auto > '{}' && echo -n '{}' = && cat '{}'" \;
echo -n $F = && cat $F
echo 1 > $F
echo -n $F = && cat $F