I did the following to put on BenF's firmware packaged by Alf (5th post down):
I held '-' (down? key) while turning on. I got a firmware upgrade screen.
I connected my DSO to my Linux laptop USB port. I got a "DFU V3_22_A" mounted device in Nautilus file manager.
I extracted 2 hex files: V353_LIB.HEX and V364_APP.HEX from Alf's zip file.
I copied (dragged) V353_LIB.HEX to DFU V3_22_A device. After a second, my DFU device vanished and then reappeared. File name had changed to
I copied (dragged) V364_APP.HEX to DFU V3_22_A device. After a second, my DFU device vanished and then reappeared. File name had changed to
I ejected DFU device.
I disconnected USB cable.
I turned off DSO and back on a few seconds later.
Beautiful! BenF Firmware now running.
Thanks Alf.
Thanks BenF.
Thanks to whoever designed and made this open hardware, open software DSO!
I got mine from this seller on ebay: ljstore2009
Cheers For that, really helpful!