I have used nothing but BASH.
Sample run:
I tried to make it very feature rich while keeping code to about 100 lines - this version is about 80.
Can you make it smaller?
* Auto-corrects if it can only find 1 suggested correction.
* Lists all words in dictionary that could be corrections and lets user choose or replace word.
* Suggestions only consider words with single letter deletions, additions or changes.
* Spelling errors are highlighted in yellow.
* Corrections are highlighted in green.
* Save result to a file (Currently just displays result on terminal).
I did go a little overboard with processing word case.
[[ -z "$1" ]] && echo "Usage: $0
ERR=33; COR=32 # error and corrected colours
PS3="Select or manually enter a correction: "
L="a-zA-Z'" # these letters are deemed part of words
shopt -s extglob
shopt -u nocasematch
declare -A WORD
while read W; do WORD[${W,,}]=${W,,}; done < /usr/share/dict/words
function checkSuggestion() {
local p=$1 S=$1 C # uses CASE and SUGGEST from caller
[ -z "${WORD[$p]}" ] && return 1 # matches word in dict!
[ $CASE = PROP ] && S=${p^} # change case to original word
[ $CASE = CAP ] && S=${p^^}
[ $CASE = CAPs ] && { S=${p%%\'*}; S="${S^^}'${p#*\'}"; }
[ $CASE = LAT ] && { S=${p##*\'}; S="${p%\'*}'${S^^}"; }
[ $CASE = OPROP ] && { S=${p%%\'*}; C=${p#*\'}; S="${S^^}'${C^}"; }
SUGGEST="${SUGGEST/ $S /} $S " # add to suggestion list
function getSuggestions() {
local W=$1 t l # p
[[ $W =~ ^[A-Z][a-z] ]] && CASE=PROP # Prop
[[ $W =~ ^[A-Z][A-Z] ]] && CASE=CAP # CAP
[[ $W =~ ^[A-Z]\'[a-z] ]] && CASE=PROP # P'rop
[[ $W =~ [A-Z]\'[a-z]$ ]] && CASE=CAPs # CAP's
[[ $W =~ ^[a-z]\'[A-Z] ]] && CASE=LAT # l'At
[[ $W =~ ^[A-Z]\'[A-Z][A-Z] ]] && CASE=CAP # C'AP
[[ $W =~ ^[A-Z]\'[A-Z][a-z] ]] && CASE=OPROP # O'Prop
W=${W,,} # lowercase word
for (( t=0 ; t<=${#W} ; t++ )); do # for each letter position of word, delete|change|insert a letter
checkSuggestion ${W:0:t}${W:t+1} # try deleting letter at position t
for l in {a..z} "'"; do # try changing and inserting letters
checkSuggestion ${W:0:t}$l${W:t+1} # try changing letter
checkSuggestion ${W:0:t}$l${W:t} # try inserting letter
function correctWord() { # correct word and return in RET as well as pattern in PAT
local W=$1 D1 D2 SUGGEST # uses L RESULT
getSuggestions "$W"
[[ ! "$RESULT" =~ ([^$L]|^)$W([^$L]|$) ]] && { printf "ERROR: Could not find [%s] in %s\n" "$W" "$LINE"; exit 1; }
D1="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"; D2="${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" # get delimiters around word
PAT="${D1:-#}$W${D2:-%}" # match pattern
case $SUGGEST in
'') echo -e "${RESULT/$PAT/$D1\e[${ERR}m$W\e[0m$D2}" # display line with spelling mistake highlighted
read -p "Enter correction [$W]: " RET < /dev/fd/3 # no suggestions - let user correct
+([$L ])\ +([$L ])) # multiple suggestions
echo -e "${RESULT/$PAT/$D1\e[${ERR}m$W\e[0m$D2}" # display line with spelling mistake highlighted
select RET in "(IGNORE)" $SUGGEST; do # get correction
RET=${RET:-$REPLY} # user entered a word instead
[ "$REPLY" = "1" ] && RET=$W # no change
done < /dev/fd/3;;
*) RET=${SUGGEST// /} # get single suggestion
printf "%b\n" "\e[31mAuto:\e[0m ${RESULT/$PAT/$D1\e[9;${ERR}m$W\e[0;${COR}m $RET\e[0m$D2}"
COL=$COR; [ "$RET" = "$W" ] && COL=$ERR # if unchanged, highlight in error colour
RESULT="${RESULT/$PAT/$D1\e[${COL}m${RET}\e[0m$D2}" # correct word
function correctLine(){
local LINE="$1" W # uses RESULT
while read -d' ' W; do # for each word in line
[[ -z "$W" || -n ${WORD[${W,,}]} ]] 2> /dev/null && continue # null or word in dict so ignore it
correctWord $W
printf ">> %b\n\n" "$RESULT"
done <<< "$LINE"
while read LINE; do # for each line
correctLine " ${LINE//[^$L ]/ } " # replace punctuation with spaces
FINAL+="$RESULT\n" # append corrected line to result
done 3<&0 < $1 # redirect stdin to /dev/fd/3 for select and read
printf "\nCORRECTED TEXT\n\n%b\n" "$FINAL"